So, if you haven't already guessed, I'm not too great at this whole "insightfully blogging informative and entertaining entries everyday" thing. Frankly, the thought of blogging intimidates and scares me! I know every blog doesn't have to be a masterpiece, but I haven't quite accepted the idea of quick and sometimes imperfect entries. From this point on, I promise I will be a better blogger(shout out to my only 2 followers:
Allison Oliver &
Amanda truly are bffs4e!).
In the time of day that I've allotted for blogging, I've been learning another new technology: Twitter. I think I finally figured it out and I'm getting slightly hooked! Here's a little something from
New York Magazine to help you build your following list or beef your already existing list up! Click below to follow me!

Woo hoo! Thanks for the shout out :)